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Emotions and feelings have a major influence on all processes of education and socialisation. However, in academic discussion, they are often neglected. While emotions and feelings used to be central topics during the emergence of scholarly educational reflection, they became less important and have been increasingly replaced by the emphasis on human reason. The related dualistic understanding of the human constitution has only been challenged by the re-emergence of holistic anthropological considerations marked by the emotional turn in science at the beginning of the 21st century.

Therefore, the conference focuses on the question of the significance of emotion and feelings in the context of education and teaching, or rather of pedagogical and anthropological reflection. In this regard, two basic points of view can be distinguished: “education through emotion” and “formation of emotion”. Education through emotion asks for the influence of emotion on processes of education, learning and socialisation. The formation of emotion investigates the development, differentiation and consolidation of emotion in the contexts of education and teaching. In this sense, the conference addresses questions of developmental theory as well as of social order, cultural reproduction, medial involvement, etc.

To cover this wide spectrum, this interdisciplinary conference will focus on three main topics:

1. Theories and Models

  •  Theoretical and historical perspectives on the relation of education and emotion
  • Anthropological approaches to and the significance of emotion and feelings for images of humanity
  • Cognitive and neuroscientific approaches to emotion in the context of education and teaching  

2. Experience

  • Approaches to the formation of and through feelings in developmental theory and biographical research
  • Aesthetic education and formation of feelings in art and media
  • Social and cultural perspectives on education and emotion 

3. Transfer

  • Emotion in the context of learning and teaching in schools and universities
  • Education of and through feelings as well as culture and cultivation of affects
  • Moral education and the significance of emotion and feelings for the impartation of norms, values and conventions 

Abstracts: submit to matthias.huber@univie.ac.at, by Apr. 10th 2016, 250 words max., incl. allocation to one of the main topics, formatted as PDF, referencing up to three texts, notification of acceptance by mid-May

Format: sessions of 40 minutes for both presentation and discussion

Publication: An edited volume on the conference is being planned.

Roland Reichenbach (Zurich)
Reinhard Pekrun (Munich)
Tina Hascher (Bern)

Conference organisation:

Matthias Huber and Sabine Krause, Department of Education, University of Vienna



Institut für Bildungswissenschaft
Universität Wien
Sensengasse 3a
A-1090 Wien

T: +43-1-4277-46735
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